Message from President

/Message from President
Message from President2024-09-02T12:58:15+08:00


The new ACES Council for 2024-2025 was elected to office at the AGM on 28 June 2024. The Executive Committee was then elected to office at the first Council Meeting on 9 July 2024. I am honoured to be reappointed as the ACES President together with Vice President Er. Choong Choon Guan, Immediate Past President Er. Teo Yann, Hon. Secretary Er. Adeline Koh and Hon. Treasurer Er. Lim Kuan Pow.

I would like to thank the previous Council for the excellent work done, especially former Council members Er. Alfred Neo, Er. Yeow Mei Leng and Er. Jee Yi Yng who have stepped down.

While the Built Environment sector and consulting business continue to evolve, the vision and mission of ACES to advance our interests have not changed. While we maintain optimism going forward into the future, the business environment is still challenging. Leveraging on the good work done by previous Councils, the current Council is committed to work hard to address current and future challenges.

The Council has been organized into the following committees to focus on various issues:

Business & Professional Practice Committee

Chair: Er. Soh Kai Yea
Co-Chair: Er. Tay Hin Guan

The Committee will review consulting business and propose developments to improve professional practice, promote professional standing and professionalism of engineers through publicity and awards, support business practices concerning contractual terms and agreements and review regulations and requirements that will impact business.

Civil & Structural Practice Committee

Chair: Er. Yong Fen Leong
Co-Chair: Er. Gwee Siong Mong

The Committee will represent ACES in various workgroups and technical committees in reviewing current regulations, standards and codes that may affect C&S practices.

Mechanical & Electrical Practice Committee

Chair: Er. Ng Han Siong
Co-Chair: Er. Ho See Fong

The Committee will promote and share best practices in the design and installation of M&E services, as well as energy efficient, renewable energy and sustainable building systems.

Digital Delivery Committee

Chair: Er. Ricky Chan
Co-Chair: Er. Mak Swee Chiang

The Committee will drive ACES digital initiatives, advance digital applications in engineering practices, and collaborate with other industry partners on digital applications that will impact the industry.

Professional Development Committee

Chair: Er. Jason Tan
Co-Chair: Er. Yeo Ser Chong

The Committee will provide sustained education and learning for consulting engineers, organise talks, seminars, and courses jointly with other industry partners.

Social & Membership Committee

Chair: Er. Lim Kuan Pow
Co-Chair: Er. Choong Choon Guan

The Committee will promote ACES membership, foster fellowship with industry partners, enhance social profile and professional status of consulting engineers, and encourage participation of community projects.

Publications Committee

Chair: Er. Adeline Koh

The Committee will publish the Connect2ACES e-Newsletters, sharing articles of interest to consulting engineers and industry partners, and provide updates of activities organised by ACES.

ACES Young Professionals Connect

Advisor: Er. Chua Tong Seng

The YPC will create awareness and encourage graduates to join the consulting engineering profession, promote advancement of young professionals, address issues that affect young professionals, and provide a bridge between young and established professionals.

The industry is undergoing rapid transformation and there are many challenges for us to play an active and positive role in taking initiatives. These include:

  • Embracing innovation and technology
  • Promoting sustainability and resilience
  • Fostering collaboration and diversity
  • Supporting professional growth and development
  • Advocating for the engineering profession

We will continue to work closely with industry partners such as government agencies, trade associations and chambers, institutes of higher learning and unions. We will also participate in joint committees such as the Construction Industry Joint Committee (CIJC), Inter-Agency Coordinating Committee (IACC), Transport Infrastructure Collaboration Panel (TICP) and Joint Accreditation Committee (JAC).

We are thankful to the many ACES members who have assisted us and contributed in one way or another. I look forward to serving in the Council and we will do our best to advance our interests in collaboration with industry partners.

Er. Chuck Kho